
Showing posts from 2021

Bible thoughts & present opinions

A person can become bored rather quickly during a Pandemic Shutdown plus having feet of accumulated snow on the ground. So, on this day, I got bored, took a short nap with my wife, and got alone with my thoughts.  Should you read this; Welcome to my world! It is Sunday, February 21, 2021.  It is 5:00 pm, EST here in Kentucky. What bragging rights does a person have if they have managed to read a King James version of the Bible, cover to cover during any span of time?  OK! Perhaps they read it in one week.  That would be worthy, I guess. The point I am making here is that simply reading a book of any length doesn’t add much to one’s character or knowledge.  IMHO – hereafter to mean – In My Humble Opinion.  I do suppose one could gain in certain areas of fact retention or, as I so often put it, “in my vast storehouse of knowledge.” I do lay claim to being a self-made man, in that I learned so very little while attending public school for 10 years...

Eleven year record for snow set and it's still coming.

 When one is "Locked down" or "Quarantined" inside their own home, there's not much chance to look outside and take note of what's going on out there.   The other night, when the most snow fell (8.6 inches) I was awakened by an unfamiliar noise out front. I got up, went to the picture window in the living room, cracked open the blinds, and peered out. Allow me to reveal at this time that I believe in Bigfoot-Sasquatch and Angels.   My belief in Angels was reinforced by what I saw out there.  There was a dark figure out there shoveling our driveway.  It was 12:45 am.  Perhaps Angels pay little attention to our timekeeping method and ignored any concerns others might have about waking humans up by doing something good for them.  Our dog, Sarge, started to bark when he shared my vision from his position on the back of the sofa. I verbally admonished him for daring to bark at an Angel.  We don't do that young pup! He stopped immediately....