Bible thoughts & present opinions
A person can become bored rather quickly during a Pandemic Shutdown plus having feet of accumulated snow on the ground. So, on this day, I got bored, took a short nap with my wife, and got alone with my thoughts. Should you read this; Welcome to my world! It is Sunday, February 21, 2021. It is 5:00 pm, EST here in Kentucky. What bragging rights does a person have if they have managed to read a King James version of the Bible, cover to cover during any span of time? OK! Perhaps they read it in one week. That would be worthy, I guess. The point I am making here is that simply reading a book of any length doesn’t add much to one’s character or knowledge. IMHO – hereafter to mean – In My Humble Opinion. I do suppose one could gain in certain areas of fact retention or, as I so often put it, “in my vast storehouse of knowledge.” I do lay claim to being a self-made man, in that I learned so very little while attending public school for 10 years...