My only connection with Bigfoot

Here I sit, after reading all I could before my eyes began to complain from the strain and my head began to throb, trying to calm down and focus before I started a post for the group. 

I have lived in the beautiful state of Kentucky, USA for the majority of my lifetime. I have hunted and fished more than most individuals during that period. I was an out-of-doors type; I couldn’t stand being inside any more than necessary.  I paid attention to what was around me, soaking up the beauty and the scents which came to my nostrils. It was enjoyable trying to sort them all out as I walked along. Flora and fauna; the good writers use such words when making reference to nature.  To myself, such terms left so much unsaid.  Some folk tell me I’m too wordy when I write.  Well, I try my best to paint word pictures in the minds of those reading my words.
That said, allow me to add; after I started watching all those Bigfoot videos made in the Great Northwest, my vocabulary started coming up short as I tried to find adjectives that would get the job done. MY GOD! How blessed the citizens of that part of our country have been and continue to be as they explore the seldom trod regions of that area.

There have been times, as I hunted for Squirrels in what was virgin forests in this state that I came upon forest scenes so beautiful, that I froze in place, awed by what was in view. I had never seen anything like that before and my desire was to take it in and have it indelibly etched upon my memory.  I was always successful in doing it, for after all these years, I can settle down on a couch or chair, relax and close my eyes, try to bring one of those scenes to mind and suddenly, it was there, overwhelming me once more.  I can manage that because such scenes have been rare and there are only a few to sort through mentally. That’s why I said MY GOD, How blessed you that reside there are.  If you have realized that you are surrounded by more natural beauty than most in that respect and try to keep all that you have seen in your memory as I have, surely you have run out of storage space in there long ago.

Mark Para … Now there’s a man who has opened my eyes concerning all that is out there to be in awe of.  I wouldn’t even start to try storing all that away in my brain. I cannot look at his videos without asking myself “Just how many Bigfoots are out there?” Surely there must be hundreds or even thousands performing all that structure building which I have seen shared in his videos.  It’s hard for me to accept that any flesh and blood creature, relying solely upon an individual’s strength, no matter how huge it was, could lift, move and position those giant trees the way they appear to have been. It’s as great a mystery to this man as to how it is possible for all the other wonders in this world to have been accomplished.  I’ve seen so many of them and I simply cannot imagine it. Meer human beings managed to do all that! WOW! I want to say “it’s not possible” and yet, there they are. They are real!

I’ve watched a lot of August Hunicke, Arborist on YouTube. He will inform you about how much a tree can weigh.  He uses a huge crane to disassemble a great tree in manageable segments, weighing each one until the complete tree is down, totals them up and reveals the results.  I know they are a great weight before they are cut down. How does Bigfoot do it? I’ll wait while someone explains it to me and you.  I wish someone could catch them in the act of building a structure and show us how they do it.  I’m pretty sure we still won’t be able to believe it. It must border on being magic or using the ability to levitate.    


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